Things were definitely a whirlwind from then on. I had handed in my three months notice at work, was preparing for the move to Grand Blanc, Michigan from Ohio where I had lived all of my 56 years. I had never truly moved and lived within a 10 minute radius my whole life. We were making plans for the wedding and the honeymoon, running back and forth between Ohio & Michigan every week, working on packing and clearing out and trying to move me into the beautiful condo in Grand Blanc, MI. Along with that we were dealing with everyone thinking we had lost our minds. Well, that may have been true! LOL. God had brought us together and we were not going to waste any more time. After all we are not getting any younger. I had been praying for a church home and God gave me the Bristol Road Church of Christ, a wonderful Godly husband and a chance to retire and enjoy his creation and serve Him. He gives us more than we ever ask for. God is so good!