Tuesday 6/22/10, Day 4 we actually left Minnesota, traveled through North Dakota and into Canada by 8PM. We were a little nervous about Canadian customs for two reasons. One, I had forgotten to have my name changed on my Passport – realized a little too late in the process to have it sent off and have a new one returned with the “Martin” name. So Bill kept reminding me that my last name was Oberst if they asked. I carried a copy of our Marriage License and the document from Social Security showing my name change if they asked for it. Bill kept saying, “Don’t offer it --- just give them your passport.” Well they didn’t question it so that was a relief. The other thing, Bill has a Concealed Weapons certificate. You are not allowed to take handguns, etc into Canada and we didn’t have one on us but he was concerned that they may search the RV & vehicle to make sure. That wasn’t an issue either. So, the verse comes back to me…Matthew 6:25-34; its all about needless worry! Lesson in faith and what is and isn’t important in this life!
As we traveled through Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois & part of Wisconsin I felt the scenery and terrain were very similar. And I had been to all of those states so although we enjoyed the trip it was familiar territory. Then as we got farther into Wisconsin and Minnesota things started to change. The scenery was beautiful but it was late in the day and we didn’t get any pictures, I regret that because it was awesome. However, in North Dakota the landscape changed considerably, the land was flatter and stretched out for miles and the sky seemed larger than life. I was impressed by the yellow saffron growing in the fields amongst the green pastures and the blue sky. We kept slowing down and stopping to take pictures so this train passed us like three times. The pictures we took can’t describe how beautiful it all is. Again we are reminded of the diversity of the land & sky our God has created for our pleasure. Each new turn emblazoned that on our hearts and minds.

We spent our first night away from Grand Blanc at the house in Marblehead, the second night at a truck stop, the 3rd night at a WalMart parking lot and the 4th night at Hidden Valley Campground in Estavan, Saskatachawan, Canaada. The campground was not something to get excited about except that we had electricity and water. We were also able to dump our waste tanks and fill up with fresh water again. Back to civilization for a night. Not complaining about the dry camping – I’m fine with that, but once in a while electricity is a good thing!

Beautiful picts...God is good!