When we woke up Thursday morning it was still raining and it did not stop the whole day. In fact the temperature dropped to 48 degrees and we actually had some sleet/snow/rain mix. Unbelievable. We stopped at one point to take pictures and I felt like I was standing on the shores of Lake Erie in February during a Northeaster. It was so freezing cold and windy that we had trouble walking back to the motorhome and we were afraid of frostbite. LOL. It took your breath away. I was laughing so hard to think, “It is really July 1st???!!!”
We left Fort Nelson later than planned, we were actually the last ones to leave the park, not that unusual for us and we are almost always the last ones to arrive no matter what time we leave. LOL. The 188 miles we were traveling to Liard Hotsprings is said to be some of the most beautiful country in Canada. Everyone was disappointed that our first day of rain had to be on this particular drive. Bill and I both continued to marvel at God’s handiwork and the cloudy, rainy day gave it a different look, just as beautiful. Not only does God bless us with the different terrain and views, He adds a different dimension by the change in the weather. Amazing! Not to say I might not want to travel it another day when the sun was shining just to see it in that glory! Some of the pictures I took through the window show the raindrops. No matter how hard I tried to get the picture right after the windshield wiper went past, there were still raindrops. LOL. We did stop a few times and got some great shots.
We had only been on the road for a short time when we came upon a bull moose with a full rack. He was just standing there at a rest area! He was very patient while I tried to take pictures but sad to say I didn’t get a real good shot. He was magnificent. It was some time later that we came across two “teenage” female moose. I was able to get that picture a little better. They are not that frightened of vehicles. We were close to our campsite before we came upon several herds of wild buffalo just hanging out on the side of the roads. There are several signs along the highway reminding drivers to take caution, watching for buffalo and moose. It is most generally fatal if you hit one of them. They are very big!! It was an exciting day of driving and sightings!

We crossed a few neat bridges along the way. The Lower Liard River Bridge (built in ’43) is the only remaining suspension bridge on the Alaska Highway and is 1,143 feet long. The view from these bridges is beautiful!
We arrived at camp around 5:30 PM with the temperature at 48 degrees, still raining and windy. Again the facilities left a lot to be desired as the only electricity was run by a generator and we didn’t have much power. We were not able to run the microwave, refrigerator or hair dryer and the camp’s generator ran all night (kept the elec. blanket warm!). That was a little annoying! Oh yeah, we also had no phone or internet service. We have at least 5 postings to put on the blog but have not had the opportunity.
After setting up Bill says, “I’m heading to the hot springs.” I don’t know why but I thought the weather had kind of nixed that idea. But…we both got into our swimming suits (which we both hate to do) put on warm clothes and raincoats and headed through our park across the highway into another park and walked about 1 mile after that to the hot springs. Oh yeah, we got lost on the way and some nice guy in a golf cart gave us a ride to the entrance, which was still a 10 minute walk. Bless that man! By this time I was wet, frozen, exhausted and my back was killing me!! I was not in the best of moods! I asked for forgiveness later from Bill and God. But anyway, I have to say it was worth it. The naturally therapeutic hot springs was wonderful! There are 2 hot springs pools with water temperatures ranging from 108 to 126 degrees F. We spent close to an hour relaxing in the pools. Bill was braver and spent more time in the higher temperatures but I found a place to sit under this little waterfall that gave me a great heated massage!! What an experience. The warmth we stored from the springs sustained us for the walk back to the motor home where we took hot showers and turned on the propane heater.
A quick meal, a game of cribbage, a few episodes of 24 and we had completed our third day on the Alcan Highway. Looking forward to the next morning as we prepared for our 130 mile drive to Watson Lake, Yukon, Canada. Yes, we are entering the Yukon Territory tomorrow!!!
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