We woke up in Beaver Creek, Yukon to another beautiful day. Was up early as there was a briefing on our day’s travel to Kluane, Yukon, Canada at 8:45 AM. Meeting was only about 10 minutes long but that seemed “too” long, as we were being eaten alive by mosquitoes. They are very aggressive up here in the Yukon. We weren’t bothered with them for the most part in Alaska but then again the weather while there was cold and rainy. There is always good with the bad!
The drive to Kluane was a rough 180 miles. The roads were even worse than the day before. The frost heaves (caused by the freezing and thawing of the earth under the roads & ground) and the grade of the road made the way really rough, kinda like riding the “millennium” at Cedar Point, but not that fast. Hard to make coffee or go to the bathroom with the rig bouncing up and down and back & forth. LOL.
What we hadn’t realized was that we would be driving into beautiful country once again. The amazing thing ---- I get to thinking I have seen everything there is to see and then we turn a corner, take a hill … and there is another perspective, another dimension that just overcomes me with awe! I am continually hit with the “WOW” factor and grabbing the camera!

We hadn’t traveled but about 15 miles this morning before I spotted a moose in a pond on the left side. Bill was able to pull over to the side to take a picture although it was a rather large pond and the moose was on the other side. I took down the binoculars and Bill could see that it was a bull moose, nice rack. He was excited as he kept saying that the ultimate would be to see a bull moose in a pond. He had never seen that. We had seen several females in a pond (separate occasions) on this trip but never a bull – we are up to 16 “moose” spottings on our trip so far! Fun, Fun, Fun!!
We made a stop for some pictures of the mountains and headed back down the road. We then stopped at the Kluane Museum of Natural History in Burwash Landing which had a wildlife exhibit with dioramas depicting their natural habitats along with Native clothing, tools and weapons. It was a very nice display. We took time to watch the 22 minute video of the history of the area, the gold rush and the Yukon Railroad. A good stop.
We stopped again at the Viewpoint overlooking Kluane Lake’s Horseshoe Bay. We were so overwhelmed with the beauty there. I don’t think we will ever get tired of seeing this endless land that still is all natural --- just as God made it, except for the changes that have occurred due to the laws of nature that He put in motion. With rain, wind, snow, ice, sun, landslides, lightning, avalanches, glacier movement – there have been changes, but man has not invaded this area at all. Millions of miles surround you of HIM!! Be still and Know that HE is GOD!
We decided this stop was to be where we would take time this Sunday to worship Him, sharing His Word, singing His praises and just glorying in HIS creation. Good, good day!
Well, briefing for the next day’s travel was scheduled for 5PM. We pulled up to the RV park at 4:55PM. Pulled the rig over, grabbed our “road log” and ran to the wagon master’s rig for the briefing. As we are hurrying over one of the guys in our group informs us that we missed the meeting as they had it at 4PM. WHAT?? He then proceeded to tell us that the wagon master’s engine on his motor home was having serious issues and he had the meeting early so he could get to Whitehorse, the nearest place with an RV repair shop. We really don’t expect them to make it back to the group – they hope to at least drive their car to meet us in Stewart for the farewell dinner. So, the 2nd Wagon Master/Tail Gunner (their first time ever to do this) just got a promotion. They are a little nervous but there are only about 9 more days before our Tracks Tour is over.
Spending the evening playing cards, blogging and relaxing with a DVD. Tomorrow we drive 189 miles to Skagway, Alaska. We will be spending 3 nights there with a lot of exciting things planned!
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